Sunday, December 30, 2012

Upcoming Events in January

Welcome Emma Larsen, new beehive!!!!!

I hope you all are having a WONDERFUL break!!!!

Reminder that church, beginning January 6th will start at 11:30am.

Mutual- There will be no mutual again until January 9th, when we will be having our New Beginnings program.

New Years Eve Dance- Monday, the 31st at the Laguna Niguel Stake Center, see below for details.

Fast Sunday- Sunday the 6th. We have an investigator named Alyssa Sanders who is 12 years old. Her brother passed away this week and we are wondering if you can remember and pray for Alyssa this next week and on Fast Sunday.

New Beginnings- All parents and incoming young women are invited. It will be Wednesday January 9th, at 7pm at our building. We are SO excited to see all our new girls and explain about the personal progress program. Every girl and parent (s) are invited to attend. Sunday dress.

Stake Dance- Saturday the 12th from 8:30-10:45pm.

Road Show practice- starts Wed the 23rd at 7pm during our normal mutual time.

Fireside- January 20, 2013 at 7 p.m. in Chapel A at which Mathew S. Holland, President of Utah Valley University, will speak. President Holland, the eldest son of Sister Patricia and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, will address the importance of "Learning" in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This will be at the Laguna Niguel Stake Center.

Girls, we would like you to watch this video on the Godhead this month. You might see it again at church, it is a powerful one.

Personal Progress- please finish up Good Works in personal progress, let us leaders know and we will sign you off. Please also let Sister Frazier know so she can hand out ribbons in two weeks!!!

Our new theme for 2013:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mutual tomorrow! 12/19

Fun fun FUN YW/YM Combined ICE SKATING!!!!!!

Time: WAY earlier than normal--- 5:30pm

Place: Meet at church but we are driving over to Irvine Spectrum to their ice skating rink.

We will be meeting at the church at 5:30 and we will return to the church about 8:30.

We may need more drivers, so moms if you could stick around to make sure we have enough drivers we would really appreciate it!!!

COST: FREE!!!!!!!!!!! You just need to have the signed permission slip, and if you don't have one yet, bring your parent to the church at 5:30 to sign one then.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Announcements for the week of 12/10-12/16

Thank you Sister Haggard for a beautiful message on Sunday at Sister Larsen's house. Remember to be a part of a Christmas miracle this season!! Even if the miracle doesn't happen until after Christmas, be a part of miracle!

Mutual tomorrow night is a fiesta/white elephant party. Bring a wrapped white elephant gift to the church building at 7pm and be prepared to have FUN!

There are a lot of people in the military right now that won't receive letters/cards this Christmas season. Take the opportunity to write cards for them! We even have our own Jessica Joyce that is out in the military right now. Sister Kati Blacklidge has info for Jessica if you need her address. I am sure she would love it!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Announcements for 12/3-12/9

Our topic this month--- Missionary Work! Remember we can be of service, and act as missionaries too! How have you served lately? Make a goal to serve someone in the month of December.
Mutual this week--- combined YW where Beehives are in charge! Meet at the church at 7pm.
Stake dance this Saturday night has been cancelled.
Remember this Sunday we are going to Sister Larsen's house during third hour for our Christmas Lesson. We will all carpool over to her house after second hour, and then please have your parents pick you up after church at her house.
LAURELS--- you have a presidency meeting after the Christmas lesson.
Thank you to Karissa Hess for coordinating our music the last several months. We've had some beautiful musical numbers. So many talented girls!
Ashley Smith will be coordinating music for January through March. Please let us know if you have an interest (and time) to play a musical instrument, solo or in a group, sing solo or in a group. We would like to have musical numbers in Sacrament Meeting, at New Beginnings, opening exercises.
This Friday our ward would love for you to attend the 7pm Follow the Star at our building! :) See you there!!!!