Sunday, November 25, 2012

Announcements for the week of 11/26-12/2

It was Claire's birthday today!!! She is now a Mia Maid!!!!

Remember to attend tithing settlement with your parents, especially if you work and tithe yourself. 

Mutual this week-- 
Beehives game night!!!
Laurels splatter art!!!!
Miamaids you are having your Miamaid and Teacher combined stake activity Tuesday night for safe driving habits. Remember it is at our stake center at 7pm. 

Ward Christmas Party-- we are mixing things up this year and our ward party is actually going to be trying to invite families over to your house or getting invited somewhere to eat at 5:30pm next Friday December 7th. Then as a group, head to Follow the Star at our ward building at 7:00pm. We heard that you girls are wanting to put together an after party! How fun!!! 

Young Women Christmas Lesson- Sunday December 9th. Place is still to be decided.....but it will be during third hour and we will have the lesson and munchies at someones house. Keep an ear out for where it will be! Your parents can pick you up at the place we are having it after they get out of church.YOUR ASSIGNMENT is to find your most favorite, touching, heart warming Christmas story. Once you find it, please email, call or text Sister Haggard with the title of the story. 

Reminder to Laurels that you are conducting next month, the month of December!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Announcements for the week of 11/19-11-25

No mutual this week! Enjoy Thanksgiving and your week off!!!!!

Jessica Cowles reminded us that tithing settlement is here! If you have a job you should be tithing 10% of your income. Please go to tithing settlement with your parents ( encourage them to make an appt. if they don't have one yet ) and you can do your tithing settlement at the same time as your parents.

Take a look at this upcoming activity that the California Highway Patrol is putting on for you. Note that we are asking at least one parent per youth attend. This is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

7:00 PM

Santa Margarita Stake Center

Christopher Goodwin, California Highway Patrol, California Public

Information Officer, will present an informative lesson on


(At least

ONE PARENT PER YOUTH is strongly encouraged to attend.)


SNICKERDOODLE and miss this!!!

Snickerdoodles and milk

for dessert!

I know this seems very far away, but an important fireside is coming up and we wanted you to put it on your calendar ASAP.
The Laguna Niguel Stake will be hosting a special multi-stake fireside on January 20, 2013 at 7 p.m. in Chapel A at which Mathew S. Holland, President of Utah Valley University, will speak. President Holland, the eldest son of Sister Patricia and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, will address the importance of "Learning" in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Announcements for the week of 11/11-11/17

Happy Birthday to Karissa Hess who turned 16 Sunday! She is now a LAUREL!!!

Mutual this week- combined YW/YM, geocaching!!!!!

Note from Sister Haggard- if anyone is interested in getting together over Christmas break for fun activities, let Sister Sherman or I know and we will announce it so you can get a group together.
One idea...Broomball at the Ice Palace (tennis shoes on the ice, pushing brooms to score goals!) It would cost $7.50/person if we could find 40 people to play. (I could ask other wards. It sounds like a blast! Maybe a fun group date! or a fun group of friends activity, etc.) It's probably a midnight activity. Let Sis Haggard know soon because it will take some work to find 40 people.
Dance this week is at the San Clemente Stake Center from 8:30-10:45pm. Theme is Cowboys and Indians ( western--so wear your boots and hats! )


Thursday, November 8, 2012

This weekend-- November 10th-11th

This is just a reminder there is a Stake Dance at 8:30-10:45pm this Saturday night. The theme is animal style, and it is for youth 14-18 years old at our stake center. FSOY standards.

Also, if you are in any of the presidencies ( Beehive, Miamaid, Laurels ) you are invited to Sister Hunt's house Sunday right after church for a special planning meeting, where we will be having a taco bar! Yum, right?!?!?! You don't need to bring anything, but be ready to plan activities for 2013!!! This starts right about 12:15pm.